Land Rover Clubs move together

Publisert av Christian Moe den 01.03.22. Oppdatert 13.03.22.

Dear friends of 4x4 cars and events,

 It seems we overstand the situation driven by the corona pandemic, finally. We hope! However, dark clouds are approaching from the Eastern part of Europe. The actual messages are very worrying and we pray the belligerent leaders will find a way to stop this human catastrophe as soon as possible.

 Although or even for this very reason, we - the German Land Rover Club (DLRC) - try to return to normal life and are organizing events to act our passion. What might be of interest for you?


  • In general, nation-wide events are open for guests and friends of abroad. For example, this year the “Rovertag” will be held at the formula 1 area of the “Nürburgring” in June (2022, June 9-12). Formula 1 meets 4x4! Please take a look at our website for further information ( You will find all our planned events including the registration form or the respective contact details. No issue, in case you are not familiar with the German language. Simply fill out our contact form at the website and submit your requests to us, or write an email to me ( or to our office (

  • The printed DLRC- journal is called “Roverblatt” and is regularly issued every two months. In case you would like to get your specific information (e.g. your 4x4 events in your country) distributed throughout Germany you can easily inform me ( and/ or the editor in chief ( Just send us your message and the text, you would like to get published. There is a section called “Internationales” specially reserved for your voice. 


Anything else you would like to get to know about the DLRC? Don’t hesitate to contact me. We all looking forward to meeting you somewhere sometime preferably in a peaceful world.

Kind regards



Dr. Martin Schöndorf


Deutscher Land Rover Club e.V.